Industry: Health Services
Press Releases By Richard P. Brown M.D.
Kingston, New York- Dr. Richard P. Brown is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons where he obtained his medical de
Over the past 60 years, I followed many streams of knowledge on my journey to becoming an Integrative Psychiatrist.
Over the past 60 years, I followed many streams of knowledge on my journey to becoming an Integrative Psychiatrist. Our inspirational family practitioner exemplified the value of conventional medicine and a deep commitment to patients. My grandfather, a master mushroom picker in rural Kentucky, introduced me to the healing properties of fungi. As a child, I witnessed Appalachian, Native American, Cuban, and Chinese healing. Although my medical school education was in Western medicine, I knew there were other valid approaches.
Much of my psychiatric practice has been treating the very ill, atypical, and treatment resistant patients, including those who do not respond or who cannot tolerate prescription medications. For these people to have any hope of improvement, it was necessary to venture outside the standard treatments that had already failed them. Consequently, my treatment plans often included newly discovered medicines, herbs, nutrients, mind-body practices, and new technologies.
Innovators often face years of skepticism from colleagues. For example, I was one of the first to regularly use valproic acid to treat patients with bipolar symptoms (based on a case series by German psychiatrists). For the next 15 years, colleagues criticized me as a public health menace. This didn’t abate until valproic acid became a first-line standard treatment for Bipolar Disorder. Similarly, when I published a case report on using dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to treat depression, other doctors said I was crazy until my observations were confirmed by three double-blind, placebo-controlled studies over the next 20 years. But the biggest brouhaha came when I popularized s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) for the treatment of depression in the US. Again, I was called a public menace and 30 years of European research was disregarded. Since then, SAMe has become widely recognized as a valuable treatment for depression and cognitive function.
When I started to publish articles and books about the scientific evidence for the benefits of herbs, nutrients, yoga, and Qigong in psychiatric practice, colleagues I had known for years began to avoid me. Having trained intensively with leading masters of breathwork over the last 20 years, in collaboration with my wife, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, I refined ancient movement and breath practices to create programs that were more effective, suitable, and safer for people with a wide range of mental and physical disorders, especially for post-traumatic stress disorder and survivors of mass disasters. We used our knowledge of psychology and neuropsychiatry as we combined practices derived from Qigong, yoga, meditation, and Open Focus Attention Training (developed by Les Fehmi and Susan Shor). Our research studies contributed to the growing evidence base that supports integrative treatments in psychiatric practice. The result was our Breath-Body-Mind (BBM) Fundamentals program, consisting of 12 hours of movement, breathing, and relaxation practices for the rapid reduction of symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. We honed these methods by giving programs for large groups of people affected by the 2001 World Trade Center attacks. Even those who had been ill for five years or more and who had not responded to many conventional treatment attempts, reported positive improvements in their physical and emotional health after participating in Breath-Body-Mind programs.
This led to a new model for Global Mental Health, wherein a small number of providers could deliver simple, effective treatments to large groups. The 9/11 disaster showed that the medical model of one healer treating one patient at a time was no longer feasible or effective for addressing the needs of thousands of people after a mass disaster.
Breath-Body-Mind can be taught in one-on-one therapy, or it can be quickly adapted for treating groups affected by different types of disasters in diverse cultures. It has been particularly rewarding for me to see BBM treatments rapidly relieve symptoms of stress, trauma, and PTSD in first responders, military personnel, healthcare workers, and victims of war, genocide, and trafficking. To watch people recovering from trauma and becoming reconnected to their genuine selves and to others is most rewarding. To train other providers to share our methods with even more people multiplies the rewards.
To work closely with my wife and our team of breath coaches and translators in countries around the world is something I could not have imagined. To work with talented child yoga teachers, such as Jyoti Manuel (based in London), helping thousands of children, is amazing.
Although I still use biological and integrative treatments in clinical practice, teaching others how to fine tune the nervous system as the foundation for healing and being healed, is the essence and the pinnacle of what I have been working towards since I began learning Japanese martial arts when I was twelve years old. The new model for Global Mental Health would include empowering people to heal themselves through breath.
Industry: Health Services
Current Organization: Breath-Body-Mind LLC
Specialty: Psychobiology , Psychopharmacology , Alternative Medicine
Honors & Awards: The JAAGO Foundation (বাংলা: জাগো ফাউন্ডেশন)
Affiliations: Columbia University, NY,
Family: Spouse, Patricia L. Gerbarg, MD, Children, Laura Braslow, MA Joshua Braslow, MD David Braslow, DEd
(1996 - 2022)
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
New York, New York, United States of America
(1986 - 1987)
Associate Unit Chief, Psychobiology Research Unit Clinical Director, Laboratory of Neuropsychopharmacology
New York City, New York, United States of America
10 REVIEWS, EDITORIALS, LETTERS to EDITORS: 1. Brown RP, Kocsis JH. Depression, SIADH, and ECT. (Letter to Editor) J Clin Psychiatry, 44:37, 1983. 2. Brown RP, Kocsis JH. Sudden Death: In Re
6 CASE REPORTS: 1. Brown RP, Kocsis JH, Cohen SK: Delusional Depression and Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion. Biol Psychiatry, 18:1059-1063, 1983. 2. Brown RP, Ingber P, Tross S: Pemoline and Lit
34 BOOKS AND Book CHAPTERS: 1. Aarons SF, Mann JJ, Brown RP. Antidepressant Efficacy of L-Deprenyl: Clinical and Biochemical Correlates. In Clinical and Pharmacological Studies in Psychiatric Disorders. Edited by Burrow
9 NON-PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES: Kocsis JH, Kennedy S, Brown RP, Mann JJ: Neuroendocrine studies in depression: relationship to suicidal behavior. In Psychobiology of Suicidal Behavior, edited by Mann J, Stanley M. Ann NY Ac
74 ORIGINAL PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES: 1. Frances A, Brown RP, Kocsis JH, Mann JJ: Psychotic Depression: A Separate Entity? Am J Psychiatry, 138:831-833, 1981. 2. Brown RP, Frances A, Kocsis JH, Mann JJ: Psychotic Versus Nonpsycho
Non-Profit Organization for Education & Youth Development Headquarters: Dhaka, Bangladesh Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Safe Haven Project for Rohingya child refugees in Banglade
Gold Award for "Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice" American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Gold award: "Non-Drug treatments for ADHD" by Richard P Brown and Patricia Gerbarg
"Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD" by Richard P Brown and Patricia Gerbarg
Gold Medal for The Healing Power of the Breath
Winner First Place for "How to Use Herbs, Nutrients and Yoga in Mental Health Care"
Winner First Place for How to Use Herbs, Nutrients and Yoga in Mental Health Care
Teacher of the Year and Teacher of the Psychiatry Residency
Teacher of the Year selected by Residency Class of 1986 and Teacher of the Year selected by Resident's Council
( 1977)
Education Level: M.D.
Institute Name: Columbia University College of Physicians
Location: United States of America
( 1973)
Education Level: B.A.
Institute Name: University of Virginia
Location: United States of America
Education Level: Residency
Institute Name: New York Hospital, Cornell University Medical College
Location: United States of America
Education Level: Fellowship
Institute Name: New York Hospital, Cornell University Medical College
Location: United States of America
Pro Bono Breath-Body-Mind Programs for inner City Schools in NY
New York City, New York, United States of America
2016-Current Active. Breath-Body-Mind (BBM)Training for Staff who use BBM in their treatment of thousands of genocide survivors.
New York City, New York, United States of America
Train Ukrainian Mental Health Professional for Crisis Relief During War
New York City, New York, United States of America
Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Directors
New York City, New York, United States of America
2010-2015 Pro Bono training of teachers, school staff, counselors, and children in psychiatric hospital
New York City, New York, United States of America
Member of the Board of Directors
New York City, New York, United States of America
Worked with and trained yoga teachers to work with inner city chronically ill psychiatric patients
New York City, New York, United States of America
Taught Breath-Body-Mind to Healthcare Staff
New York City, New York, United States of America
2011-2015 Taught Breath-Body-Mind to active duty military and mental healthcare staff
New York City, New York, United States of America
2009-2011 Taught therapists about using mind-body practices for victims of sexual assault
New York City, New York, United States of America
Teach Breath-Body-Mind Practices to Cancer Survivors for Relief of Stress, anxiety, and pain
New York City, New York, United States of America
Taught Breath-Body-Mind techniques to Staff and Veteran Groups
New York City, New York, United States of America
Current Activity: Pro Bono Taught and Trained Therapists in Mind-Body Practices for Mass Disaster Trauma Relief: Haiti, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, Nigeria, Germany (Middle East Refugees), B
New York City, New York, United States of America
Chairman of Board for 12 years, First Responders and others affected by the 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks
New York City, New York, United States of America
3 Children
Laura Braslow, MA Joshua Braslow, MD David Braslow, DEd